Seedling: The seedling phase of growth is one where the shoot sprouts upwards towards the direction of the sun and the first leaves begin to emerge.The germinated seeds are then planted on to mud where they are planted with the root facing downwards. Germination: Then comes the germination phase where seeds are soaked and kept in a moist, warm and dark place till they begin to sprout small roots.Male plants do not produce flowers and often cause a deterrence to normal growth. It is the female seed which is capable of budding (bud being the end product that you smoke).

The sun is the most important object for the outdoor growth of weed because it is the source of both, warmth as well as light which are critical for the growth of the plant. When you grow weed outdoors, it gets all the essential elements of growth (water, air, heat and sunlight) from the nature. Let us take a closer look: The Importance of Grow Lights These are some things which are really essential for a grower to understand because it is based on the growth phase and the type of grow light that they are using, they can decide the ideal light schedule for their seedlings! We will also take a detailed look at the seedling phase of growth and then give some insights on the three best grow lights for seedlings. In addition to that, we also take a closer look at grow lights and why they are important, as well as the various phases of growth that a marijuana plant goes through. In this article, we take a closer look at the ideal light schedule for seedlings of the marijuana plant. Growing your marijuana indoors allows you to exert a much greater level of control over the growth of your plants as compared to the outdoor growth, which largely depends on natural factors upon which you have limited control – light being the most important. Weed can be grown in two major ways – you can either choose to grow it outdoors, under the sky and at the mercy of the sun, or you can choose to grow it indoors.